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the minds behind the magic

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We're a team of





problem solvers


process nerds

witty types

good listeners




The Genieus team story

“What’s your story?” is usually Genie Snyder’s opening ask on the stage, entering a room or over dinner. Another human’s experience or organizational story keeps her curious. From this point, she has built a strong coaching and consulting practice across business, industry and higher education by asking questions, sometimes asking the hard questions to inspire critical action.

As an executive coach, she goes way beyond small talk.


How are you ...

rethinking something?

leading differently?

managing through a struggle?

working to achieve something big?

communicating meaningfully up & down in the organization?

engaging with people with a diverse (different from you) perspective?


She goes for the big talk.  And through her career, Genie is grateful that her paths crossed the work of experts, focused, yet diverse, in their fields. These people have a common thread. They genuinely all strategically guide people and organizations to move with intention. One person can’t know it all. One team can’t know it all. But the connection of seriously innovative experts can ask a lot of questions. Together with clients, they figure out the next best steps.

We're a team of collaborative experts energized when we are elbow to elbow with leaders and when with teams digging through strategies.

At our core, we are People + Process.


Oh sure, we have a lot of degrees and extensive higher education experience, but our first love is lifelong learning & gaining uncommon knowledge on the ground, in the trenches, on the front row - wherever you live and work.


We have experience with a plethora of clients in a diversity of industries, companies, & institutions. The transforming experiences of layering what we learn from one client or process builds even more strategically on how we serve the next.

And we trust the next client is you.


We listen to you first to make sure we connect you with the best match for your current conundrum.

Meet the Genieus Team

This amazing group of experts and thought leaders,
brought together by mission and excellent timing, together make up the Genieus Team.
You could be soon working with any of the Genieus Coaches below.



Rosanna is the Genieus Team Agile Analytic. Enthusiasm is the first word that comes to mind when describing her and her passion for people and organizations. She balances her IT and data analystics skills with workplace intuition. Her EQ is as strong as her IT. Add  results-driven strategy to a heart for diversity and inclusiveness and amazing outcomes result. Rosanna is inspired by gloabl social entrepreneurship. Multi-lingual and multi-talented, she brings an international recipe of EQ, IT,  D & I to the Genieus Team!




Alex is the Culture Connoisseur for the Genieus Team and an expert in manufacturing and engineering. He is known for his extensive leadership in workforce culture transformation across the US and Asia. He generously shares a wealth of knowledge in driving values within diverse cultures. With C-Suite experience, Alex is a master when it comes to managing people, change and the intersection between them. Even with his extensive collection of strategies, he coaches with a clean slate, listening to each perspective before adding his own. He is a great guide for where each client wants to go and how to get there! 




Michael is The Dollars-and-Common-Sense Coach. Michael brings an extraordinary blend of experience to Genieus Team clients, with extensive work in organizational growth and business practices. His professional journey has spanned the spectrum from technology to higher education, and he brings confidence whether working at  IBM headquarters or with college administrators. Michael is an expert coach in operational management, human resources, and business operations. He knows how to ask the right questions, unearthing vision, distilling details, and drilling down on the key factors impacting leadership and professional development. He may ask tough questions, but he never misses the bottom line.





Kim is the Real Relations Anchor on the Genieus Team.  Whether internal or external relations, Kim connects people and ideas to write incredible stories. She is a quick study into business and individual relationships. She asks direct questions. She gets the real story - and helps people rewrite to take critical steps. With a discerning eye, she passionately coaches people to create an environment for change or stability as the culture demands. She is known for her intuitive documentaries of leaders and their entrepreneurial ideas. Her experience expands from external relations to real estate to reality shows. Kim is the real deal.




Alex Gregory

Senior Executive Coach

Rosanna Nazir

Senior Executive Coach

Michael Washington

Senior Executive Coach

Kim Ragland Wheeler 

Senior Executive Coach

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Joe is the Problem-Solver-People-Connector for the Genieus Team. He is always plugged in–with people AND technology. His savvy approach to teams and organizations is strengthened by his ability to connect the technical aspects. Joe knows how to create solutions to solve the most intricate problems, always with a powerful sense of calm and reliable sense of humor. He is at ease speaking in front of a crowd or behind the scenes figuring out what makes a group tick. Joe can always translate technical jargon or emotional intelligence into layperson’s terms, generating buy-in and comprehension for the entire audience. No matter the challenge, Joe jumps right in!




Joe Jackson

Senior Executive Coach

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Dave Nelson

Senior Executive Coach


Dave is the Data & Process Powerhouse for the Genieus Team. Dave’s strong level of engagement and approachable style not only sets clients at ease, but also produces strong  results. He works to identify the critical factors that help organizations create meaningful transformation. His professional background in lean analytics and business process improvement amplifies the work of the Genieus Team. He’s the idea guy particularly in assessing strategies for incremental and major improvement. He sees the gaps and creates systems to address them. He measures successes and helps people repeat positive results – without making them crazy with the details!



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Alicia is the Genieus Team Firestarter. She is known for transforming the theoretical into concrete. Her interactive facilitation style catalyzes creative thinking and problem solving. Alicia leads effortlessly and engages people from all cultures and backgrounds, generating maximum participation without the feeling of being “facilitated.” Her experience pairs psychology and business and enables her to serve our clients and produce amazing outcomes. She can identify barriers and create productive communication strategies to overcome them. In corporate, not-for-profit, and higher education environments, she is equally comfortable lighting a fire under people!




Alicia Randolph

Senior Executive Coach

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The Ops & Sales Sage, Pete is our guy with an eye for business. He promotes our strongest asset and core value – building relationships.  With a robust background in engineering, sales, process management and business development, Pete paves the way by recognizing opportunities where the Genieus Team can bring out the best in our clients– and help them do what they do best. Also, Pete’s knowledge and expertise with CRM, Systems Management, Application Integration, Data Warehouse, and Big Data Management makes the people side of our business measurable and trackable. His favorite activity is driving toward the green, on the golf course and for our business!




Pete Chamberlin

VP Business Dev/

Process Coach

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Monica is the Genieus Team graphic guru and website magician. She has a true passion for visual communication, knowing that everything makes more sense when it's aesthetically appealing and clear. Her diverse experience in content creation, consumer marketing, brand design and public relations keeps the Genieus Team story fresh, concise and relevant.  Monica thrives using her creative genius and never blinks at any marketing challenge!




Monica Klinkmueller

Graphics | Website Designer

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Abigail is our message maven. She speaks French and is fluent in client communication. She streamlines the creative process for our projects. Basically, she gathers all of our crumpled paper ideas to create a clear message. Her ability to edit content, design presentations, and strategically manage workflow keeps our team and projects on track. She works with each Genieus Team member and client to keep the momentum. Abigail’s penchant to capture and translate ideas boosts our brand and team. She connects the dots!




Abigail Pierce

Communications &

Project Manager

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